2018 KR Update 2

Hey not trying to slip up on these updates I've been keeping them pretty good. So here's some new information!

Sleep schedule

I have been making a couple changes to my sleep schedule. I'm on a more or less North American sleep schedule right now. Waking up around 9:00 PM KST and streaming for about 8 hours. Stream numbers haven't been climbing quickly but my regulars are definitely growing. More familiar faces and more community building. Slow and steady and I'm keeping up a good flow of content for the stream.

League of Legends

I've just made it back to Gold 2. Been a bouncy boi. Ups and downs and a lot of games I could be winning lost. I'm definitely learning. My current role is support (WHAT?!) Thresh, Alistar, and Taric will be my free ticket to Platinum. I feel like the Gold 2 players are nearly my current skill level. Most understand rotation and can look at the minimap. Mechanical skill is much more commonly to an acceptable level where I can comfortably trust people to follow up. Still having a good time but I've been going a month straight on League with over 300 games already. Keep up the good fight!

Korean living

I attended a few matches of GSL vs the World and had a great experience. Serrel is a monster. I am keeping up with LCK and GSL and would like to make some YouTube videos around them. Loving it. Food situation is really coming together for budgeting. Not that I can't afford food but a key part of my living here is to keep expenses to a complete minimum. So far I've had no difficulty in staying below 100,000 Won /$100 a month on food. All together I'm at about $600 Canadian a month. I'll detail some more budgeting and price breakdowns soon.

Thanks homies!