After being featured by Theoatrix I modded the RS3 fight into OSRS! Demo and explanation video here:
@downthecrop Nov 8, 2020
Original Post
Thought I should just post this here because it was something that I worked on for a few hours two weeks ago. Might be useful to other people that had or are having difficulties figuring out Fight Caves.

What is this?
In Old School Runescape the best in slot cape for melee excluding the Infernal cape is the Fire Cape. The Fire Cape is a reward for completing a 63 Wave Player vs Monster challenge in the TzHaar Fight Caves. Most players want to get this done as quickly as possible due to its dominance in the cape slot. Although the Fight Caves have no level requirements a prayer level of 40 for Protect from Missiles and Protect form Magic is essential for completion without utilizing advanced mechanics like Tick eating.
The final monster and by far the hardest part of the Fight Caves it a level 703 TzTok-Jad. Jad has both a ranged and magic attack which he switches between at random. Failing to react to Jad's attack switch even once will be the end of your Fight Cave run. Worst of all to even have a chance to see or practice Jad you're going to need to climb all the way to Wave 63. This can take around 2 hours depending on your combat stats. Here is a clip of me getting dumpstered last year on my 4th/5th attempt
To help other players practice the sounds and animations of Jad I created a practice tool for the OSRS Fight Caves. It's missing a lot of things and is a really basic mod of some decent RSPS source. Jad doesn't have healers. Collision for units is completely off for the other waves. Sound effects are only in for Jad.