Hey League of Legends players that also happen to be Linux enthusiasts. Today I would like to share a video comparison I've created comparing the difference in performance between League of Legends on Windows 10 and League of Legends on Ubuntu 18.04 Linux. This comparison will provides a frame rate (FPS) graph and and a side by side comparison of performance between the two systems handling the same replay from League of Legends patch 9.24 from Late December 2019.
- RTX 2080 8GB
- i7 9700K @ 4.6Ghz
- Win10 - 441.08 WHQL
- Ubuntu - 430 nonfree
- Wine: lutris-lol-4.20-x86_64 D9VK/Vulkan Enabled
League of Legends
- Medium Settings & Shadows
- 240 FPS Framerate Limit (Recommend)
- AA Enabled Patch 9.24B (Late Dec 2019)
- Windows Average: 154
- Windows One Percent Low: 120
- Ubuntu Average: 140
- Ubuntu One Percent Low: 106
Recording Settings
Note: The impact of OBS with these settings is as low as ~5FPS. When running the tests I had no additional software running other than OBS and League. In a real use case even if you don't record/stream the performance impact should be similar to having Chrome/Firefox open with a YouTube video or Discord ect.
H.264 Encoder veryfast preset, 5000kbps Bitrate, 1280x720 (downsampled from 1080p)