OP.GG For Tecent/WeGame and Chinese SuperServer

Alternative Frontend for WeGame Match History and Account Lookups.

Download: https://github.com/downthecrop/wegame-tencent-china-opgg

Provides account lookups, match history, profile multi-search, statistics and more. Like OP.GG or Blitz.gg for the Chinese (CN) League of Legends Servers. Available for all area ID's including the Super Server (Dopa/Apdo plays here) which is Area ID 31.

Pregame lobby Multisearch, Game Details and Profile Statistics from WeGame/Tencent League of Legends LoL API



  • Match History
  • Match Details
  • Multisearch
  • Profile Navigation
  • Profile Statistics
  • Open Source (MIT License)


I will not respond to errors or problems on Twitter but you should still follow me. Report problems here on Github


OBS Multitrack Recording Audio Remuxer

FFmpeg Audio Remuxer demo video: https://youtu.be/Q10JB-iD85o

Download on Github: https://github.com/downthecrop/audio-remuxer/releases/

- Automatically selects the most recent stream recording to remux
- Drag any recordings onto the .exe to remux them into the output directory
- Fast. a 2 hour stream can be muxed in 10 seconds.
- Batch directory support
- Output file prefixing
- Free and Open Source

With Twitch DMCA muting vods lots of people are going to be multitrack recoding locally. This tool can remux multritrack recodings into a new mp4 with a single audiotrack selected. Useful specifically if you record a track with only game audio and microphone selected for archival on Twitch or YouTube.

If you utilize multitrack recording with OBS you might already be using a script to use FFMPEG to remux the video. This program makes remuxing after a stream really easy.