Lytical: OP.GG for Garena and China (SEA) – League of Legends Statistics and Profile Search

Lytical is an open source League of Legends statistics and profile analytics tool for all regions including Garena & WeGame

Lytical is an open source League of Legends statistics and profile analytics tool for all regions including Garena & WeGame

Summoner Search and Profile Pages

Lytical offers OP.GG style summoner profiles which can be searched for anyone on your server. Our app offers ranked statistics and champion specific performance data for all players for Garena and WeGame. Lytical is an OP.GG alternative for all Garena regions and all Chinese regions and is an all in one replacement for websites like U.GG, Blitz.GG and Porofessor of course OP.GG.

Think of Lytical as OP.GG for Garena.

Match History & Lobby Multisearch

Lytical provides fast OP.GG style match history for any player. Kills, CS per Minute, Vision Score, and Objectives. Analyze your contribution to your own games or search high ranked players to increase your impact and win more games!

Multisearch will automatically scout your teammates in champion select and your opponents when in game. Profile lookup tools are common on NA/EU/KR servers to help avoid poor quality games. Lytical is the tool for the job to quickly understand your teammates and opponents strengths and weaknesses.

Works on All Regions

Lytical utilizes builtin API's inside of the League of Legends client. This allows our application to function on all regions, including all Garena and WeGame regions.

Supported Servers/Regions

  • Garena
  • The Philippines (PH)
  • Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau (TW/HK)
  • Vietnam (VN)
  • Thailand (TH)
  • Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia (SG/MY/ID)
  • QQ/WeGame/Tencent (CN)
  • Riot Operated (NA/EU/OCE/RU/TR/BR/LAN/KR/JP)

Open Source and Ad Free

The Lytical app is forever free and open source. It was created as an All-In-One replacement for regions that don't have access to statistics sites like OP.GG or

Built Using Vue.JS + Electron Lytical is fast and memory efficient. Any PC can run Lytical in the background with no performance impact in game for League of Legends.

This application is released under the Open Source GPLv2 license. You are welcome to contribute to this project in any way you can.

OP.GG For Tecent/WeGame and Chinese SuperServer

Alternative frontend for WeGame/Tencent Chinese (CN) Servers including the Chinese Super Server. Match history, account statistics, multi-search, profile pages, and more!

Alternative Frontend for WeGame Match History and Account Lookups.


Provides account lookups, match history, profile multi-search, statistics and more. Like OP.GG or for the Chinese (CN) League of Legends Servers. Available for all area ID's including the Super Server (Dopa/Apdo plays here) which is Area ID 31.

Pregame lobby Multisearch, Game Details and Profile Statistics from WeGame/Tencent League of Legends LoL API



  • Match History
  • Match Details
  • Multisearch
  • Profile Navigation
  • Profile Statistics
  • Open Source (MIT License)


I will not respond to errors or problems on Twitter but you should still follow me. Report problems here on Github


How To: Reverse Engineer Any Private API (iOS/Android and Desktop)

Have you ever wanted to access data from an application that doesn't provide a Public API? Well I've got great news. That application is getting its data from somewhere. You just need to find out how to plug into it! This process is called Reverse Engineering (Or hacking if you want to pretend you're really smart) a Private API. I will document some tips and useful tools that will help you reverse any Private API from any application on any platform.

Reverse Engineer any Private API - Watch the YouTube video here!


There are a handful of tools that can be used to complete this task. Windows 10 was my platform of choice for working with the data so I'll be sharing what I used on here.

Fiddler: Fiddler is an HTTP/HTTPS Proxy that can be used to intercept and decrypt SSL/HTTPS traffic. This application is also useful for replaying requests, creating custom request, and exporting a request as cURL to be converted into Python 3. Fiddler is free to use, just sign in with your Google Account! Make sure you install the certificate and enable HTTPS mode so you don't miss any requests.

MitM Proxy: Man in the Middle Proxy is a great way to read data from Smart Phone Applications. This is what I used to get all the data I needed for my API reversal. Simply download the executable from to start up a server (disable your firewall or open port 8080) and then enter your PC's IP address into the Proxy Server settings of your Phones WiFi settings. After that navigate to on your Phone and install the provided certificate. Follow the provided instructions on and start sniffing!


Create a text document to save all your finding and especially any useful URL endpoints you find. Having your information organized will help to ensure that you don't waste time on the same thing twice or need to proxy your device over and over again to find what a request should look like.

For more information and an example of the API reversed you can watch my YouTube tutorial here.

Chrome Improvement Project

Chrome. It's the best browser. But it also has some quirks I personally find annoying and by the power vested in me I shall right these wrongs.

Quirk One - New Tab Google Doodles

I don't mind the design of the new tab page in Chrome. In fact I think it's pretty nice. HOWEVER I really don't like the design language of the new tab page being compromised for the Google Doodle. Due to security limitations in the permissions Chrome can grant Extensions we are not able to intercept or modify requests on chrome://newtab. Instead a near perfect recreation of the new tab page was built from scratch to provide all the same functionality with a local mirror.

Disable Google Chrome Google Doodle - Default new tab (left) vs Recreation (right)

As a result, no doodles. If you really want you can change the search box's color back to white but I think it look nice this way. The signin and voice search are purely cosmetic.

Free and Open Source (MIT License)

Download for Chrome:

Quirk Two - Themed Scroll Bars

This is less of a problem with Chrome itself and more of a problem with Windows 10 and their ugly scrollbars. Using Webkit CSS we are able to override these system defaults. When creating this extension I wanted to keep the permission model as light as possible. This extension requires the all_urls permission to keep a unified theme across all pages and as such is a big security risk. Because of this I am utilizing pure CSS and content_scripts. This extension is completely static and thus cannot read and page content or browsing data.

Chrome minimal scrollbar - Default Windows 10 (left) vs Custom CSS only content_script extension (right)

Free and Open Source (MIT License)

Download for Chrome:

WebP in Photoshop CS2

Modern WebP format images opening in Photoshop CS2 (2005)

The abandonware Photoshop CS2 still does everything any aspiring content creator could ask for. It even works great on Windows 10. Quality software created by quality people. However in todays modern internet we have a few new formats that were far after CS2's time. The main problem I run into is opening WebP format files. I'll go to grab an asset I assume to be a .PNG off Google Images, try to open it up in CS2 and I'm met with the error "Could not complete your request because it is not the right kind of document." but luckily for us the competent developers of CS2 thought ahead. They allow for plugins to extend the support file types in the program!

WebPShop, the plug-in for opening and saving WebP images directly from Adobe Photoshop

available under the Apache-2 License this open source WebPShop plugin works just fine for our legacy version of Photoshop. Unfortunately they aren't distributing x86 binaries of the latest version but the Apha 0.2.1 version seems to have everything we need anyway. You can download the binary from the 0.2.1 release page. You want WebPShop_0_2_1_Win_x86.8bi. Once that's downloaded place the 8bi file into C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS2\Plug-Ins\File Formats or wherever you have CS2 installed. Then fire up Photoshop and open any WebP file you like!

Export Options

The plugin also allows you to save .webp files with a quality slider! Just use File > Save As... > WebP and the WebPShop compression Window will open. Enable the preview and compress to your liking.

WebPShop Save As Dialogue Window and Compression Settings in Photoshop CS2